1. Name =
2. Nickname = Ace Heart
3. E-mail =
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State = Louisianna (LA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Adam Lewkowsky
2. Nickname = Dragonstrider
3. E-mail = dragonstrider@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-10-01
6. State = Missouri (MO)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = drgnstridr
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Aivars Liepa
2. Nickname = Aiva (sometimes, mostly I use my real name)
3. E-mail = aliepa@lib.acadlib.lv
4. Web page = Aivars Home Page - http://www.acadlib.lv/~aivars/e/
5. Date of Birth = 1969-08-31
6. State =
7. Country = Latvia (LV)
8. C+G? = Mild Pro
9. RR Code = RRC+ R? P+ TH(ALL) ME+ I++ CR+ Cc++d+m++z++t++f++F+n- M++ Zm+ GH++! L! Gb(72%) Pc+Pd--
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM - aivars9
12. ICQ # - 19257347
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Algernon Gunn
2. Nickname = NeoBat
3. E-mail = DragonGunn1@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1954-07-10
6. State =
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = DragonGunn1
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Allen Fishbeck
2. Nickname = Capt Chipmunk
3. E-mail = captal51@swbell.net
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1951-03-17
6. State = Missouri (MO)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = CaptA151
12. ICQ # = 19241028
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Alex Croley
2. Nickname = Arc
3. E-mail = Skyrider72@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1972
6. State = Kentucky (KY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code = RRC+ RR++ P+ TH(A++, I++, X-, H+, In-, Mu+, My+, R+, P- -, Sl- - -, Su+) ME- - - Ix! CR+ Cc Cd+ Cm+ Cz++ Cf++ Ct+ Cfc- Cn+ Crc+ D M Zn+ GH L Ge Pc+ Pd+ P!
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/arc.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Alexander Armington II
2. Nickname = Lighting
3. E-mail = Lighting732002@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-09-16
6. State = Michigan (MI)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = A+4+7=9+J+y
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = I am the king of the world
15. Biography = I was borin in Detroit as a Fan Fiction Writer.
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Alexander Ryzhenko
2. Nickname = WereWolf
3. E-mail = thraxxilia@rambler.ru
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1979-01-16
6. State =
7. Country = Russian Federation
8. C+G? = Mild no
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = «When the going gets tough the tough get going».
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Alexei Kobyshev
2. Nickname = Shredder
3. E-mail = shredder@mail.primorye.ru
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1979-12-26
6. State =
7. Country = Russian Federation
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Alister Crowe
2. Nickname = FurrBall
3. E-mail = r96acrowe@taroonanet.ths.tased.edu.au
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1983-09-21
6. State = Tasmania
7. Country = Australia
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Allen Melvin
2. Nickname = Proto
3. E-mail = ADMouse1@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State = North Carolina (NC)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = ProtoMouse
12. ICQ # = 58516637
13. Picture =
14. Quote = Is it me or have things just gotten complicated?
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/proto.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Andrew Bell
2. Nickname = Andy aka MOnty
3. E-mail = josph2@juno.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1967-04-01
6. State = New York
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = andy67jb
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = I will not be filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered! My life is my own. -Number 6, "The Prisoner"
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Andrew Stone
2. Nickname = Zipper AppleCore
3. E-mail = moovels@Hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State = Colorado (CO)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code = RRC++R?P++TH(A X Hu My P Su)ME+IxCR-Cc+Cd+Cm++Cz+++Cf++Ez+++Ed++EfD+M+Zm- GHL+G?Pc+Pd+Po(Zipper)SSs(1)r(32)c(452/430)tv(5)d(12)b(2)ag(2)ch(9)bk(43)
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Angie Mae Booker
2. Nickname = Angie, Mae, Lina, Ange, Angel, Fallen Angel
3. E-mail = angie_mae2@yahoo.ca
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1979-10-31
6. State =
7. Country = Canada
8. C+G? = Mild yes.
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Annie Louis
2. Nickname = Heart's Wing, Simone Falir
3. E-mail = heartswing17@yahoo.com
4. Web page = The Mighty Ducks & Other Characters - http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/3342/
5. Date of Birth = 1985-02-16
6. State = Maryland (MD)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Anton Perlin
2. Nickname = Q
3. E-mail = cobatz@mail.ru
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-01-28
6. State =
7. Country = Russian Federation
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex =
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Audrey A.
2. Nickname = Buffy
3. E-mail = Nut4410@AOL.com
4. Web page = None
5. Date of Birth = 1983-11-04
6. State = New York (NY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = Elisa
10. Sex = Female
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Barry Pierce
2. Nickname = Barrister
3. E-mail = BPi8169536@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1948-08-11
6. State = Massachusetts (MA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Benjamin Kaiser
2. Nickname = Yameen
3. E-mail = bandain@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State =
7. Country =
8. C+G? = Mild yes
9. RR Code = RRC+R--PTH(ALL)ME---ICR--Cc+++d+m+zM+ZmGHL-G?Pc+
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Benjamin Sprocket
2. Nickname = Sprocket
3. E-mail = ahmadamir@email.com
4. Web page = The Big Ticket - http://www.darkstrukt.com
The CDRR Hole-In-The-Ground - http://cndrr.darkstrukt.com
5. Date of Birth = 1986-05-19
6. State = New York (NY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild yes
9. RR Code = RRCR?P-TH(ALL)ME---I--CR-Cc-d+++m++z+m+f+F-Ec-d+g+D-M+Zm-Gh-LxG?Pc+d+o
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = Echo Spin 123
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "Yes, I am the moron that eats your cereal in the morning."
15. Biography = bios/sprocket.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Brad Evans
2. Nickname = Donny Dulce
3. E-mail = rocchoc@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1976-04-09
6. State = Kansas (KS)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Brian Walmer
2. Nickname = BW
3. E-mail = bwalmer@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1979-07-25
6. State = Kansas (KS)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = I AM THE GAME
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/bw.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Bryan Moe
2. Nickname = Pouncer, Bflighty
3. E-mail = bflighty@aol.com
4. Web page = None yet. FTP - http://members.aol.com/bflighty
5. Date of Birth = XXXX-07-31
6. State = Wisconsin
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Byron Crowe
2. Nickname = TheBoz
3. E-mail = croweb@trump.net.au
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 198X-03-31
6. State = Tasmania
7. Country = Australia
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code = RRC+ R? P+>++ TH(I-;X;Hu+;In;P;Sl) ME->++ Ig++ CR+>! Cc+d++f+o(Ditz)+F---n+ M++ Zm GH+++ L! Ga(87%)>++ Pc+d+o++
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Candy Goldstein (Courtnier)
2. Nickname = Boater Quark/Kandei-chan
3. E-mail = uce_cdrr@anterras.net
4. Web page = Everything Rescue Ranger [no longer updated]- http://err.anterras.net
Gadget's Noteable Adventures in Toontown - http://gnat.anterras.net
candy.anterras.net - http://candy.anterras.net
5. Date of Birth =
6. State = New Jersey (NJ)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC+ R# P+ TH(I+XDr+H!In!MuR-P!) ME! I++ CR++ Cc---d+++m-z+f+++t--- Ec---d++g+f+t--- D* M- Zf+ GH++ L+ G# Pc---d-o---
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture = http://anterras.net/candy/pics/FreeholdVacation/pgcc001.jpg
14. Quote = "Ani l'dodi, v'dodi nee." =^.^=
15. Biography = http://www.anterras.net/candy/aboutcg.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Carlton Edward Baird II
2. Nickname = Wescottva, Eddie
3. E-mail = WescottRRX@aol.com
4. Web page = Rescue Rangers X - Under construction
5. Date of Birth = 1980
6. State = North Carolina (NC)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC++ RR++ P+++ AMuR ME I++ Ix! CR+++ Cc- Cd++ Cm++ Cz+ Ct+++++++++++++++ M+ Zm(18.7) GH L-- Ge+ Pc+++ SSs(2) SSd(12)
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Chantel Martin
2. Nickname = Cool Cat
3. E-mail = laura_starr_4@hotmail.com
4. Web page = Chantel Martin's Home Page - http://www.geocities.com/coolcat17k/index.html
5. Date of Birth = 1984-06-16
6. State = Washington (WA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM = CoolCat17K
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Charity
2. Nickname = None
3. E-mail = s001cfo@discover.wright.edu
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State =
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Undecided
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Chip de Clerk
2. Nickname = Barend
3. E-mail = dovedek@lantic.net
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1987-11-15
6. State =
7. Country = South Africa
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Chip Maplewood
2. Nickname = Chip
3. E-mail = cmaplewood@operamail.com
4. Web page = Rescue Rangers Homepage - http://rescuerangers.bravepages.com
5. Date of Birth =
6. State =
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography = bios/chip.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Chip Lundsmark
2. Nickname = Chipper, JediChipmunk
3. E-mail = Lundsmark@MSN.com
4. Web page = None
5. Date of Birth = 1979-01-20
6. State = Florida (FL)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = 30%Rangerity, 45% Gadgetism, Have not done the rest of the code.
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Chipmunk Perrywinkle
2. Nickname = Perrywinkle
3. E-mail = Perrywikle@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1985-10-07
6. State = New York (NY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM = Perrywikle
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Chris Birkett
2. Nickname = Dale
3. E-mail = C.J.Birkett@btinternet.com
4. Web page = Dale's Rescue Ranger Page - http://rescuerangers.50megs.com
5. Date of Birth = 1980-03-03
6. State =
7. Country = United Kingdom
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RR+++ R+ P++ TH(ALL) ME++ I+ CR+ Cc+d+++m++z+t+f++F--- Ec+ d+++ G+ m+ z+ f+ D+++ M++ Zm- GH+ LGe- Pc+++ Pd- SSc(3) r(50) c(5,000,000/3,000,000) (tv(15) d(15) b(9) ag(4:20) ch(6) bk(20)
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "Chocolate", spoken by Dale on many occasions
15. Biography = http://www.acme-labs.com/cgi-bin/acorncafe/bio.cgi?dale
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Chris Davis
2. Nickname = Dyglo the Dragon
3. E-mail = DygloDrgn@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1983-01-20
6. State = Oklahoma (OK)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC+R#P-TH(A I- X Hu+ My+ R- P+)ME-IxCR->+Ccd+m+zf+Fc- - -M++Zm(16)GH+L++Ga(48)>+Pc- - -d-?+++
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Christy Gutz
2. Nickname = SpaceBabe1, SB
3. E-mail = spacebabe_15@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1984-01-28
6. State = Ohio (OH)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Cianna
2. Nickname = GadgetHackwrench
3. E-mail = chibi_ci@hotmail.com
4. Web page = My Livejournal (links to all messageboards and etc...will be there..) - http://livejournal.com/users/chibikittengirl/
5. Date of Birth = 1984-02-29
6. State =
7. Country = Canada
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code = RRC+R++P+TH(A;I;Dr;Hu;R)ME Ix!CR+Cc++CdCm+CzEc++G+++Z+mD-ZmGH+G?Pc++
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography = I love CDRR, Enough said really LOL =^^=
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Claire Hunter
2. Nickname = Clairolxx
3. E-mail = clairolxx@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1979-03-04
6. State =
7. Country = United Kingdom
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # = 97048356
13. Picture =
14. Quote = If you're not riding the wave of change you may find yourself buried beneath it.
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/clairolxx.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Cory Jarvis
2. Nickname = Ravidale or Mark
3. E-mail = Ravidale@Hotmail.com
4. Web page = n/a coming soon :)
5. Date of Birth = 1977-01-11
6. State = Ohio
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RR++
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # = 17920326
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Dale Arrrendale
2. Nickname = Ares, You there
3. E-mail = dale@rrstuff.net
4. Web page = RRStuff.net - http://www.rrstuff.net
5. Date of Birth = 1986-07-29
6. State = Georgia (GA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code = RRC+R+P-TH(x-;A;I+;Hu+;P+)MEICRCc+d++m+z+Ed++g++m+D-M!Zm-GHL-GePc-d-SSc115/75tv14
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = RRStuffNet
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "Odd. I think his name is rather redundent"-My father, on my name.
15. Biography = bios/ares.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Daniel Artagaveytia
2. Nickname =
3. E-mail = Artagaveytia@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1972-12-28
6. State =
7. Country = Uraguy
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code = Gadget
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Darren Perlongo
2. Nickname = Sabrewolf, Wolf
3. E-mail = sabrewolf9@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1982-08-14
Death = 1998-11-06
6. State = Georgia (GA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Special note - Darren was killed by a drunk driver on 1998-11-06
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Dave
2. Nickname = Don Don the Panda
3. E-mail = cdrrdave@hotmail.com
4. Web page = Chip N Dale 3D Rangers - http://www.cnd3drangers.20m.com
5. Date of Birth = 1976-03-19
6. State =
7. Country = United Kingdom
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = David Junker
2. Nickname = DJ, The Junkyard Dog
3. E-mail = DavidJunker@usa.net
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1973-07-21
6. State = Michigan (MI)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = David Knight
2. Nickname = fixman88
3. E-mail = fixman88v2@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1972-04-12
6. State = Texas (TX)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = fixman88v2
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "Logic can take you from A to Z; imagination can take you anywhere" -Einstein
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = David L. Stone
2. Nickname = Az
3. E-mail = dlstone@newwave.net
4. Web page = Dave's Itty-Bitty Furry Toons Page - http://www.newwave.net/~dlstone/index.html
5. Date of Birth = 1959-05-28
6. State = West Virginia (WV)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Derrick Demase
2. Nickname = Schroeder
3. E-mail = bigd1174@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1974-02-11
6. State = Pennsylvania (PA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code = RRCR?P---TH(ALL)ME---Ix!CR--Cc++d++M++Z+T+M++ZmZm+GHLP?
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = Apple Core? Nothing more... Who's your friend? Him! *splat* ;-D
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/schroeder.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Devin Harris
2. Nickname = Dev
3. E-mail = devin@greendragonpress.net
4. Web page = Emeraline Dragon's Fanfic Archive - http://emeralinedragon.iwarp.com
The Dragon Roars - http://www.livejournal.com/users/devinharris
5. Date of Birth = 1970-09-20
6. State = Nevada (NV)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Dmitry Bugayev
2. Nickname = Lithor
3. E-mail = bugayevcpm@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1989-05-08
6. State = Washington (WA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = Shoot!
15. Biography = bios/lithor.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = DJ Hill
2. Nickname =
3. E-mail = tangleroot@cfi.net
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1953-08-11
6. State = Florida (FL)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Dylan Kelly
2. Nickname = dxkelly
3. E-mail = dxkelly@sdf.lonestar.org
4. Web page = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org
5. Date of Birth = 1974-01-17
6. State = Kansas (KS)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+R?P-TH(A;I;X-;Dr;Hu;In;Mu;My;R;P;Sl;Su)ME---ICR--Cc++d++m++z+Ec++d+D-M++Zm+GH-LxG?Pc++SSs(1)r(10)c(100/80)tv(6)d(10)b(4)ag(1)ch(7)bk(3)
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Edward Pavur
2. Nickname = Hitman187
3. E-mail = GunForHire@juno.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1977-12-05
6. State = Louisiana (LA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC++R?P+TH(A I+ X- IN MU- R+ P- SL_) ME+ IX! CR+ Cc+d+++f+t+ Ed++ D- M+ ZM(21)Gh+++L! G? Pc Pd++ Po(sparky)---SSs(3)r(2)c(175/137)tv(5)d(7)b(4)ag(1.5)ch(6)bk(1)
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Eric Spurling
2. Nickname = Damon
3. E-mail = damon_togath@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1979-08-01
6. State = Pennsylvania (PA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # = 48517108
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Fox Hound
2. Nickname = Foxhound
3. E-mail = Billyandsupak@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-03-23
6. State = Alabama (AL)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography = I'm the reason you lock your door at night.
Names | Nicknames
1. Name =
2. Nickname = Gadgetluv
3. E-mail = contessina_2000@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-07
6. State = Pennsylvania (PA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild no
9. RR Code = RRC++R?P--TH(A;I;Dr;Hu;My)Me-I+CR+Cc++d+mz-f+fc+n+Ec+d+g+++m-z-DM++ZfGH+++GeP?Pc-d--
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = George Nelson
2. Nickname = Vornoff and others
3. E-mail = ritterdesrecht@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1976-02-21
6. State = Washington (WA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = Flosshilde
12. ICQ # = 57410157
13. Picture =
14. Quote = I've got a good mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/vornoff.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Gervais
2. Nickname = Deathclaw Dan
3. E-mail = fuzzcat666@msn.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1978-09-11
6. State =
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild no
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum... and i'm all outta gum" -Various Action Movie Characters
15. Biography = bios/deathclaw.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name =
2. Nickname = Honywumpus
3. E-mail = honywumpus@aol.com
4. Web page = D.A.F.T. (The Disney Afternoon File Time) - http://members.aol.com/honywumpus/welcome.htm
5. Date of Birth = 1968-04-01
6. State = Georgia (GA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Ilya Pestov
2. Nickname = Ila
3. E-mail = ilapest@mail.wplus.net
4. Web page = http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Lot/3787/index.html
5. Date of Birth = 1977-08-21
6. State =
7. Country = Russian Federation
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jaleel Beck
2. Nickname = umen_orlando
3. E-mail = umen_orlando@hotmail.com
4. Web page = The Foxglove Feature - http://toon.eu.org/foxglove/
5. Date of Birth = 1975-07-11
6. State = Pennsylvania (PN)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild Pro
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name =
2. Nickname = The J.A.M.
3. E-mail = i_am_the_jam@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1971-12-01
6. State =
7. Country = Mexico
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = James Hart
2. Nickname = None
3. E-mail = ozgadg@dbworld.net.au
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1982-08-05
6. State = New South Wales (NSW)
7. Country = Australia
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC+ R? P+ TH(A+;I+;Hu;In+;Mu+;My;R-;P;Sl;Su) ME> Ig>++ CR>++Cc--m++z+ M++ Zm- GH>+++ L! Ge>++ P!! Pc--- Pd---
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = James Simonds
2. Nickname = Ronnie Rabbit
3. E-mail = ronrab@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1970-09-22
6. State = Maryland (MD)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jane Gutzwiller
2. Nickname = Gadget Goddess, Rei
3. E-mail = Gadget_711@yahoo.com
4. Web page = Gadget Goddess' Wonderful World Wide Web Page - http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/6009/
5. Date of Birth = 1980-11-23
6. State = Ohio (OH)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC+>+++ R? P TH(A;I+;Dr;Hu;Mu) ME->! Ig CR>! Cc--d+ M(chat!) Zf(17) GH++ Ge+ Pc---o--
10. Sex = Female
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jason Barton
2. Nickname = Isky
3. E-mail = junk_yard_special@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-06-17
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+R-P+TH(A;I+;Dr;R+;Su)ME+Ix!CR+Cc++d++m+z+t+f+++Ec+d++mD*MZm(23)GH++LGb(64)Pc++d+
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = SOHC Madness
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = 'Golly, it wasn't supposed to do that.' - Gadget Hackwrench
15. Biography = bios/isky.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jason Linnen
2. Nickname = Monterey Jack
3. E-mail = jasondlnd@hotmail.com
4. Web page = http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/9761/Rrangrs.htm
5. Date of Birth = 1977-04-XX
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jason Hawks
2. Nickname = TheGreatHawkster
3. E-mail = JasonH165@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-07-28
6. State = Maryland (MD)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC++ R+++ P++ TH(ALL) ME+++ I>++Ig++CR>+++ Ca:All M+ Zm GH+++ L! Gb(90%)>++ Pc+d+o
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = Hackwrench
12. ICQ # = 22934026
13. IRC = Hawkster
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jason Marlow
2. Nickname = Rennod
3. E-mail = donnerwulfsson@hotmail.com
4. Web page = Rennod's Rescue Ranger Retreat - http://www.geocities.com/donnerwulfsson/rrpage1.html
5. Date of Birth = 1974-05-24
6. State = Alaska (AK)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild yes
9. RR Code = RRC+R+PTH(A+;I;X;Dr;Hu+;In;My+;R;P;Sl;Su)ME-I++x!CR+Cc++d+m+z+f+Ec++d++g++m++z+DMZm+GH+LG?Pc++PdPo+P?SSs(2)r(12)c(378/174)tv(6)d(5)b(4)ag(2)ch(28)bk(6)
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "Of course God has a sense of humor! He makes jokes. Look at me, I'm living proof!"
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = JC Trevelyan
2. Nickname = Noodle
3. E-mail = noodle@fallingover.com
4. Web page = Angelic Mysterious - http://www.sefina.furtopia.org
Comic Book Reviews - http://noodle.fallingover.com/index.html
5. Date of Birth = 1983-05-16
6. State = Ohio (OH)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM = SefinaAmearanath
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jeff Parkes
2. Nickname = Mister Kerr
3. E-mail = joey_five@yahoo.com
4. Web page = Rescue Ranger Adventure - http://www.angelfire.com/tv/rradventure
5. Date of Birth = 1982-11-12
6. State = Utah (UT)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Undecided
9. RR Code = RRC+ R? P+ TH(A;X;Dr;Hu+;Mu;My;P+;Su) Me>++ I+ CR Cc d+m++fc+rc-- Ec+d+g++m+z-f-- D+ M++ Zm GH+ L G? Pcd
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = MisterKerr
12. ICQ # = 29478196
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jeff Wikstrom
2. Nickname =
3. E-mail = jeffwik@aintitcoolmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1979-07-26
6. State = Arkansas (AR)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jeffery Szudzik
2. Nickname = Nueelan
3. E-mail = JeffNindo1@Yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1981-04-02
6. State = Florida (FL)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+ R+ P-- TH (A; I+; Dr+; My; R) ME Ix CR-- Cc++dm++zt+f+fc+n++rc- EC++D- D M Zm(22) GH+ L++ G# Pc+++
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = There's always a chance, as long as one can think.
15. Biography = bios/nueelan.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jelle
2. Nickname = CD
3. E-mail = CDcdrr@hotmail.com
4. Web page = Rescue Ranger Roadhouse - http://www.rrstuff.net/~cd98/index.html
5. Date of Birth =
6. State =
7. Country = Netherlands
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jennifer Newsom
2. Nickname = Rowan Treejumper, Chuck
3. E-mail = rowantree13@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1985-04-08
6. State = Alaska (AK)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+ R? TH(A+;I;X;Dr;Hu+;My;P;R;Sl;Su)ME Ix CR Cc++d+++m++z++t+f+fc---n---rc--- Ec+D+++G+Z+M D M Zf(15) GH Lx G? Pc++
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = Quote Plato: Never give up.
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jeremt Baggett
2. Nickname = KaneTHP, THP
3. E-mail = thp@ou.edu
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1981-05-14
6. State = Oklahoma (OK)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Mal3
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = Humor me with the specifics
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jerod Twiford
2. Nickname = Animated Malamute
3. E-mail = animated_malamutes@juno.com
4. Web page = Gadget Hackwrench's Corner - http://www.geocities.com/animated_malamutes/Gadget.html
5. Date of Birth = 1984-07-31
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild yes
9. RR Code = RRC+ R-- P TH(ALL) ME- I+ CR>++ Cc+d+g++mn Ecd D- M- Zm GH+L- Gb(40%)>+ Pc++
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = J. L. Solis
2. Nickname = Chip&Death
3. E-mail = CHIPNDEATH@aol.com
*4. Web page = The RangerSide - http://members.aol.com/chipndeath/
5. Date of Birth = 1968-08-19
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Johan Rhen
2. Nickname =
3. E-mail = johan.rhen@mailbox.swipnet.se
4. Web page = Johan Rhen Online - http://home.swipnet.se/~w-10744/index_en.htm
Johan's Rescue Rangers Pages - http://home.swipnet.se/~w-10744/rangers/
5. Date of Birth = 1976-05-21
6. State =
7. Country = Sweden
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC+ R+ P+ TH(ALL) ME I CR- Cc+ Ec++g++ D- M- Zm+ GH+ L+++ Ge P+
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = Piff76
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography = http://home.swipnet.se/~w-10744/personal.htm
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = John Barstow
2. Nickname = Phae
3. E-mail =
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1974-01-04
6. State = Florida (FL)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = John Alan Davidson
2. Nickname = Q
3. E-mail = srekcus45@hotmail.com
4. Web page = Main page - http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5034
5. Date of Birth = 1977-12-07
6. State = Pennsylvania
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = John Laird
2. Nickname = Dr. Gonzo 37
3. E-mail = drgonzo37@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1958-06-12
6. State = Mississippi (MS)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture = http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/field/3785
14. Quote = When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/drgonzo37.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = John Nowak
2. Nickname = None
3. E-mail = John_W_Nowak@att.net
4. Web page = None
5. Date of Birth = 1964-01-11
6. State = Connecticut (CT)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = John Roberts
2. Nickname = Loki
3. E-mail = j_u_tylor@yahoo.com
4. Web page = I Mean Well . . .
5. Date of Birth = 1968-08-21
6. State = Virginia (VA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = agent loki 86
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = That which is essential is invisible to the eye, it is only with the
heart that one can see rightly.
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name =
2. Nickname = M!X
3. E-mail = Gadgeter@Rambler.ru
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1982-09-12
6. State =
7. Country = Russian Federation
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = John V
2. Nickname = Cadpig
3. E-mail = cadpig@cheerful.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jon Erik Dominder
2. Nickname = Te'Targa
3. E-mail = elvis5000@hotmail.com
4. Web page = Chip 'N' Dale Rescue Ranger FAN PAGE - http://www.geocities.com/rrfpcbjd
5. Date of Birth = 1983-05-20
6. State =
7. Country = Sweden
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography = I'm a 19 year old art student.....
Thats all...
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Juan F. Lara
2. Nickname = #1 Gadget Hackwrench Fan
3. E-mail = jfl@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
4. Web page = Juan F. Lara's Home Page o' Links - http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~jfl/intro.html
5. Date of Birth = 1969-08-16
6. State = Texas (TX)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC+++ R? P++ TH(A+;DR;Hu+;Mu;My+;R+;Sl-;Su+) ME I+ CR- Cc+d++m-z++t+++f+++F--n- M Zm(28) GH+++ L! G? Pc---Pd---Po
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Julie Bihn
2. Nickname =
3. E-mail = jbihn@u.arizona.edu
4. Web page = Julie's Web Page O' Fun - http://juliestudio.com/
Julie's Ranger Rama - http://juliestudio.com/gadget/index.html
Julie Bihn's Comics Page - http://juliestudio.com/comics/index.html
5. Date of Birth = 6/21/1979
6. State = Arizona (AZ)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC+ R P++ TH(A+;I+;X-;DR+;R-;Su+) ME+ I++ CR+ Cc---m++t+o(Sparky)++F-- M++ Zf GH++ L Gb Pc---d---
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM = Kenshinchan
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography = http://www.juliestudio.com/me/index.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jarret Susswein
2. Nickname = Shoeshine
3. E-mail = hornamaphone@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State = New Jersey (NJ)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Kacy Shelley
2. Nickname = Nintendo Maximus, Smash Brother
3. E-mail = nintendomaximus@charter.net
4. Web page = http://nintendomaximus.deviantart.com/
5. Date of Birth = 1987-05-31
6. State = Louisiana (LA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = To write for a character, you must think like the character.
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jon Kunatz
2. Nickname = Rikirk
3. E-mail = Rikirk@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1969-09-29
6. State = Illinois (IL)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild no
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = Rikirk
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = May you live as long as you want, but not want as long as you live.
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/rikirk.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Jonathan Borin
2. Nickname = Zanzibar
3. E-mail = jonathan.borin@mobila.se
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1985-03-06
6. State =
7. Country = Sweden
8. C+G? = Mild yes : Favors any person or combination
9. RR Code = RRC+ R-(22,25%) TH(P+ A;I;X;Dr;Hu+;In;Mu-;My;R!) Me- Ix Cr- Ca : ALL Eo? D+ M++ Zm(17) GH Lx Ge--(28%) Pc+++Pd++Po++Sss(?)r(?)c(100/50)tv(5)d(5)b(?)ag(?)ch(!)bk(5)
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # = 130782899
13. Picture =
14. Quote = live and let live (said by someone)
15. Biography = Small Biography at the Acorn Cafe
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Karen Mollett
2. Nickname = Kat
3. E-mail = 1katkm@geocities.com
4. Web page = Kat's scratching post - http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/3907
5. Date of Birth = XXXX-06-12
6. State = Kentucky (KY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = RRC+ R+ P+ TH(A+;DR;HU+,P) ME+ I++ CR+ Cc+d++m++z+f++N++RC--- M++ ZF+ GH++ L++ Gb(66%) Pc-Pd--Po++
10. Sex = Female
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Karl Schenk
2. Nickname = Wiseguy, AtticRat
3. E-mail = karls@televar.com
4. Web page = Karl's Brain - http://www.televar.com/~karls
5. Date of Birth = 1955-08-08
6. State = Washington (WA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Newtral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Kevin Sharbaugh
2. Nickname = L'il Sharbs
3. E-mail = ksharbaugh@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1977-02-20
6. State = New York (NY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreampt of in your philosophy. -Hamlet, Act I, Scene V
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Kiara Johnson
2. Nickname = Nicole
3. E-mail =
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State =
7. Country =
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex =
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name =
2. Nickname = Onyx C.
3. E-mail = Onyxc@juno.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth =
6. State = Texas (TX)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = Ronin Williams As Prof. Brainard in "Flubber"- "Instead of spending years of trying to learn how the world works, I should have just tried to figure out Why it works."
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Kris Schmid
2. Nickname = Goldeneye
3. E-mail = james779@hotmail.com
4. Web page = None
5. Date of Birth = 1983-10-07
6. State = Wisconsin
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Krystal Palmer
2. Nickname = Batman, dale lover
3. E-mail = psychotic1186@yahoo.com
4. Web page = Krystal's Site - http://psychotic1186.tripod.com
5. Date of Birth = 1986-11-18
6. State = Massachusetts (MA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM = psychotic1186
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = if you mess up today, there's always tomorrow
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Kyle Calderwood
2. Nickname = Zipper the Marvalous
3. E-mail = kylecalderwood@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-04-07
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = kylecalderwood
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "It should work..."
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Lori Hobaica
2. Nickname =
3. E-mail = lhobaica@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1974-12-11
6. State = New York (NY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Undecided
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM = lhobaica
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = lotacats
2. Nickname = lotacats
3. E-mail = lowrollerdailey1@netscape.net
4. Web page = Munks and Friends - http://howlinbob.bravepages.com/index.htm
5. Date of Birth = 1942-09-03
6. State = Nevada (NV)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM = lotacats05
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture = http://howlinbob.bravepages.com/acorn14/GADGETSERVER800J.jpg
14. Quote = "First, ye rubs somethin' furry t' build up a charge, then ye picks yer target!"
15. Biography = http://www.theacorncafe.org/cgi-bin/bio.cgi/lotacats.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Marco Hernandez
2. Nickname = Hermes
3. E-mail = rrthegame@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1980-05-29
6. State =
7. Country =
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex =
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Matt Crotchett
2. Nickname = MChet43, MChet, Snakiz
3. E-mail = mchet43@hotmail.com
4. Web page = The Hypothetical Underground Lair - http://www.angelfire.com/ut2/mchet43
5. Date of Birth = 1982-01-11
6. State = Utah (UT)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+ R# P++ TH(A++;X;Dr;Hu+;In-;Mu-;My+;R;P;Sl;Su+) ME>++ Ix>I CR>++ (Cc++d+!m+zf+t?fc+nrc) Ed++c D+ M++ Zm GH Lx G? Pc++d--o-- SS(c(100/243)tv(7)ag(6)b(8)ag(6)bk(43)
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "There's only one thing I know how to do well, and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well and that's be you, be what you're like, be like yourself" -They Might Be Giants
15. Biography = http://www.acme-labs.com/cgi-bin/acorncafe/bio.cgi/mchet.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Matt Plotcher
2. Nickname = None
3. E-mail = Mattbat@ix.netcom.com
4. Web page = The Rescue Rangers - http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/8011/Rangers.htm
The Rescue Ranger Database - http://members.tripod.com/~StrangeCEO/RRindex.htm
5. Date of Birth = 1974-06-07
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral/Mild Pro
9. RR Code = RRC++ R+ P+>++ TH(A+;Dr;Hu+;Mu;My+;R+;Su) ME++>! I+>++ CR++ Cc++d+m+z+n++f+F+(Cassandra)++ M++ Zm+ GH L Ge Pc++d-o--
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Matthew Kirby
2. Nickname = Rix
3. E-mail = rixlan@earthlink.net
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1966-11-05
6. State = New Jersey (NJ)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Meghan Elizabeth Brunner
2. Nickname = None
3. E-mail = me_gravity_girl@hotmail.com
4. Web page = Mooncrystal! - http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/3936/
5. Date of Birth =
6. State =
7. Country =
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Melissa Mouse
2. Nickname = Mouse
3. E-mail = JimGettman(at)aol.com
1. Name = Michael Balandin
2. Nickname = NetDolphin, Dolphin
3. E-mail = NetDolphin@zdnetmail.com
4. Web page = http://owk.nvart.ru/dolphin
5. Date of Birth = 1972-10-20
6. State =
7. Country = Russia
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+ R! P+ TH(Hu;R+;P) I CR c+++d++f+++ Ed++ D+ M Zm+ GH+ L G# Pc+++d--o---
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Michael Bertolino
2. Nickname =
3. E-mail = bertolinom@hky.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1982-07-20
6. State = Pennsylvania (PA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote =
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Micheal Jordan
2. Nickname = I'm not that one!!!!
3. E-mail =
4. Web page = My Little piece of the net - http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Screen/1233
5. Date of Birth =
6. State =
7. Country =
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code = I++IRR94%RRC+++I++C++D+++T++G++++
10. Sex =
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Mike Demcio
2. Nickname = Questy
3. E-mail = rrquest@aol.com
4. Web page = None yet.
5. Date of Birth = 1970-05-20
6. State = New York (NY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Mike Marchese
2. Nickname = Johnny B
3. E-mail = marchese@bellsouth.net
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1976-11-12
6. State = Louisiana (LA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+ R P+ TH(A+ Dr Hu+ Mu My+ R P Su+) ME Ix CR- Cc++d+m+zt+f++n++ Ec++d+g+ D- M+ Zm GH+ L Ge(72%) Pc++d-o-
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name =
2. Nickname = Mikester, Mike
3. E-mail = Mikester3@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1983-05-20
6. State = Colorado (CO)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Neutral/Mild Pro
9. RR Code = RRC+ R++ P+ TH (ALL) ME- Ix! CR Cc++ d+++ m++ z+ t++ f++ F-- N--- M++ Zm(15) GH++ Lx Ge+ Pc+ Pd+ Po+
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Morgan K.
2. Nickname = Alex Reynard, Crisscross, Grimbly Snooker Blaghnumny, etc.
3. E-mail = alex_reynard@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1981-12-31
6. State = Michigan (MI)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Mild no
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = "Tradgedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when *you* walk into an open sewer and die." -Mel Brooks
15. Biography = http://dxkelly.freeshell.org/bios/crisscross.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Natasha Kashefipour
2. Nickname = Faith Forrester
3. E-mail = RescuRangr@hotmail.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1983-12-06
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+ R P++ TH(R+Dr+X-Su+) ME++ I+ CR+ Cc+++dm++zt+f+ Ec+ D+ M++ Zf(16) GH Lx Gb- Pc+++d---o--- SSs4r2c100/30tv8d5b2ag2:00ch8bk2
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM =
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Natasha Ortiz
2. Nickname = Gadget
3. E-mail = NOrtiz1170@aol.com
4. Web page = None yet
5. Date of Birth = 1977-07-01
6. State = New York (NY)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = None yet
10. Sex = Female
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Nick Liberto
2. Nickname = Hitrat
3. E-mail = Hitrat2K@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1977-11-05
6. State = Louisiana
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = Yes
9. RR Code = RRC+R?P-Th(A X Dr Hu Mu My R P Sl Su)IxCR-Cc++Ct+CfCrcZmZmGH+L++++G?PoPc-
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = Hitrat2K
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture = http://hitrat.homestead.com/files/tchgo001.gif
14. Quote = Great Bradshaw
15. Biography = bios/hitrat.html
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Nic Stoffel
2. Nickname = Nic
3. E-mail = Stoffeln@post.uwstout.edu
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1979-02-16
6. State = Wisconsin (WI)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Nili
2. Nickname = Baby
3. E-mail = hdchicken@aol.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1984-05-30
6. State = California (CA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? =
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Female
11. AOL IM = hdchicken
12. ICQ # =
13. Picture =
14. Quote = nobody puts baby in a corner
15. Biography =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Owen Calhoun Liberto
2. Nickname = Cool Rider
3. E-mail = Cool_Rider7@yahoo.com
4. Web page =
5. Date of Birth = 1978-09-09
6. State = Louisiana (LA)
7. Country = USA
8. C+G? = No
9. RR Code =
10. Sex = Male
11. AOL IM = OwenCn
12. ICQ # =
Names | Nicknames
1. Name = Paltiel Goldstein
2. Nickname = Isagi
3. E-mail =
4. Web page = Disney's Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers Home Page -